Attending a new church can be an unsettling experience! Unfamiliar faces, different programs, new ways of doing things and unanswered questions like “What do they believe here about God and the Bible” and “Can me and my family’s needs be met here?” It can be a bit overwhelming!
Here at Faith Alive Church we’re sensitive to how newcomers feel because we’ve all been there! We want you to know that you matter to God and that you matter to us. Though there are hundreds of people who worship here, people are touched on a personal level by the life-related worship and teaching, the caring attention of volunteers who minister in a wide variety of ministries and the intimacy of a small group where one can explore what God is all about.
We ourselves as a family gathered for worship and fellowship and then dispersed to our neighborhoods and places of employment where we represent Christ between Sundays. We want to do everything we can to help you discover how relevant Christ can be in your personal life and how you can be a part of the great adventure of representing Him where you live. We look forward to being able to serve you!